How To Find A Property Deal Sourcer 🔎

If you’re a busy investor with money for deals, but no time to find deals yourself, then using a deal packager is a solid option for you.

You’ll be able to keep investing your money to get it to work, but you won’t have to spend countless hours searching for deals, doing viewings, and negotiating deals. 

But, where do you find property deal sourcers?

Well, this post will tell you.

You want to be careful when finding a deal packager though. 

There are sharks out there.

If you’re a little unsure of what a deal sourcer is then read our post on what property deal sourcing is.

Define Your Criteria First

Before you go out there and start working with a deal packager, you need to know what your goals are. 

Do you want to invest in commercial properties? BRRR? Turnkey tenanted properties? HMOs? 

The types of deals you want to do will affect who you work with because some deal sourcers will be better at sourcing particular types of deals.

Also, do the same with location.

If you want to invest in property in Liverpool you don’t want to be working with a deal packager that only finds deals in Norwich. 

Knowing your preferences will help you narrow down your search.

Ok, now that you know what kinds of deals you want to do it’s time to find these deal sourcers. 

Here’s a quick overview of the ways you can find property deal sourcers in the UK:

  • Networking events
  • Online groups
  • Instagram and Youtube
  • Word of mouth and referrals
  • Online Directories and platforms

Attend Networking Events

Property events happen regularly all over the country. 

Look for local events using:

  • Eventbrite
  • Facebook 

Attend these local events and meetups and you can connect with other people that are into property investing. 

Some people might be new investors, some might be seasoned investors and some people will be deal sourcers.

These events can often attract deal sourcers and packagers who are looking to build relationships with potential investors. 

But even if you don’t come across any deal sourcers in these events, other investors at the event may know of deal sourcers that they’ve worked with in the past. 

Join Online Groups

There are property groups on different websites that you can join and there are often lots of deal sourcers posting about potential deals for investors. 

The main place to find these groups will be Facebook Groups. 

Look for property investing groups on Facebook and you’ll find a lot of activity in various groups (join a few so you can see a variety of posts).

If you like the look of someone’s deals then contact them to let them know you’re interested. 

Using Instagram And Youtube

Follow deal sourcers on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. 

A lot of deal sourcers use social media to showcase their deals and connect with potential investors.

They’ll often have a mailing list or a way to contact them to sign up with them.

Just be extra vigilant since it’s pretty easy to embellish the numbers on a deal if it’s just for a video. 

Try to find reliable reviews and testimonials of people and don’t just rely on their social media appearance. 

Word of Mouth And Referrals

If you’ve done some of the previous steps then you’ve been to local events, joined online groups, and followed relevant people on social media. 

Leverage any connections you’ve made through doing this by asking them for referrals or recommendations. 

They may have worked with reputable deal packagers in the past and can refer you to reliable sources.

A referral from someone who has used a deal sourcer already is like gold dust (as long as the person referring you isn’t a wally)

Research Online Directories & Platforms

Ok so maybe there aren’t online directories in the plural sense. 

Deal sourcers don’t really seem to have much of an online marketplace for them to showcase themselves… apart from one website.

PropSourcer is a fairly new website where property deal sourcers can make a profile and list their services for prospective investors. 

They also have their own deal sourcer verification process to help ease any concerns of using dodgy deal sourcers.

On the site you can filter by the type of properties and deals you are looking for as well as the locations that you want to invest in and the website will filter the results for you. 

You as the investor can then submit an enquiry to the deal sourcer on the platform and the sourcing agent will pay a fee to the platform to see the investor’s details. 

After You’ve Found A Potential Deal Sourcer

After you’ve come up with a  shortlist you should interview the sourcers in question to understand their experience, track record, the types of deals they offer, and their fees.

If you need some information on fees then read our guide on property sourcing fees.

I’d also ask for references from past clients to make sure they’re not just making everything up.

Verify Credentials And Licences

You should also make sure that they are a compliant deal sourcer and that they hold the necessary licences and certifications required by local regulations.

You don’t want to work with a cowboy. 

You want to work with a professional.

Happy? Start With A Trial Project

If you’re satisfied you can go ahead with the deal sourcer but you can try doing a smaller-scale deal to start if it’s your first ever deal with a deal packager. 

Once you’re happy with the first deal and you trust the sourcing agent you can commit to larger deals with more confidence.


Remember that you should ALWAYS do your due diligence on every deal a deal sourcer sends your way and ask any relevant questions.

The deal sourcing industry can attract newbies due to the lower barrier to entry and this can mean you have some people who are inexperienced.

Because of this, you could have a situation where the deal sourcer isn’t necessarily trying to rip you off, but they’ve simply overlooked something that can turn a profitable deal into a time-consuming waste of money. 

And make sure you always read your contracts and seek professional advice if you’re unsure about anything. 

Further Reading

Not happy with how your deal sourcer search has gone?

Learn how to find your own below market value deals and make sure you use the best property deal sourcing software.